It may seem that when you have an expertise in preparing business reports, you are capable of developing them almost coming out of the blue, and in any case or under any circumstance, when reality is stubborn and show us that is not an option.
It becomes essential to have available sufficient reliable, accurate and convenient information, which may allow us to process, tabulate and arrange it so that the addressee’s needs may be fulfilled but, something else is required.
There must also be a certain consistency degree in the data and information, that cannot be provided any which way, on the contrary they have to count on the required and reasonable breakdown level to obtain the report regarding same, as it logically has to be prepared based on them.
Let us imagine a situation in which a client has apples, oranges and pears, he has decided to introduce them randomly in boxes wrapped up in paper with six different colors and fourteen different sizes, all of them locked and stored in an industrial warehouse.
The client requests us to arrange them and prepare a report that shows their classification primarily by colors and afterwards by sizes. With the available data and information, we may be in the position of submitting the requested report.
Once we have delivered the report by color and sizes, the client says he needs us to prepare right away a new report in which we have to gather the number of units of fruit and the weight they represent for each type separately and as a whole. Obviously, without opening them it would be impossible to elaborate the requested report with regard to the already stored boxes, no matter how much the client may insist on it, so the unavoidable next step would be to provide us with the keys that unlock the boxes and start all over again from the beginning.
Pure common sense, unfortunately the least common of all senses.
(Post published on 08.Jun.2016, blog upgrade date is shown)
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