Can we spare a few meetings and get back to work?

We only need to read, watch or listen to the news to check how some meetings lack of effectiveness, although they are high level so-called, take place with great frequentness and normally do not come to any agreement, but this does not mind at all as the responsibility level for to making any decision, mistakes’ consequences, wrong actions’ cost is practically non-existent and almost always is delayed in time, until the next election.

You may have already guessed I am referring to a great number of meetings among politicians and government officials, in any level of State Administration, from City Hall to EuroGroup, you name it.

But let us go somewhere else and focus our attention on a much more productive field, that belong to workers, employees, officers and directors, both in private or public sector, who in principle are not allowed to have so many chances before doing the right things and at the end of the day maintain the structures, finance their running and directly suffer the consequences when politicians and government officials badly manage.

There are different kinds of meetings, they may be classified from multiple perspectives, but here we are going to try and find some common items for all of them.

Before arranging a meeting, the person who has the idea of holding it and directly or indirectly calls for it, trying to achieve the greater possible effectiveness, should take the following aspects into account: who is meeting, where does it take place, when is it scheduled, for how long will it run, what matters will be discussed, why is it called and what it holds for.

During the event some specific agreements should be reached, that could be translated into specific actions to be taken, with somebody in charge and an execution deadline. To continue with a follow-up mechanism to guarantee the approved agreements are set in motion.

Otherwise, each meeting may become an updated version of the previous one, like what happens with some classic movies, that are being remade, but never mean improving the original version… and besides we must consider that apart from saying it work has also to be done.

In the meantime, until meetings reach a sufficient level in their usefulness, I propose you some amusement to, at least, keep your mind awake and value the originality of the approach. You only need to mark the used terms and the minute in which they are said, assigning a score in a decreasing inverse order. Whether the word is used within the first minute the score will be 10 points, for every minute that goes by one point is deducted, until we reach minute number 10, from that moment onwards no score is obtained. The lower score equals higher originality and the other way round.

The terms are:

Team                           Clients                         Optimization                Methodology

Joint                            Entrepreneurship          Project                       Cooperation

Sustainability                 Development               Strategy                  Performance

Innovation                   Margin                         Implementation               Result

Opportunity                 Value                           Market                         Projection

Parameters                   Profit                           Margin                         Forecast

Estimate                       Integration                   Environment                 Level

We may also find some interchangeable sentences, which stand for nothing specific and do not have a defined use, but I am quite sure we may listen to them in some of those unnecessary meetings we cannot help attending once in a while:

I believe we have had enough amusement so far, so let us get back to work and try to move business ahead.

(Post published on 03.Dec.2012, blog upgrade date is shown)

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